

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Cheeseburger x 3 and a Big Mac Meal Please!

I usually eat a Double Cheeseburger from McDonalds back in my hometown, but this was a first for me, The Triple Cheeseburger. It stacks 3 burger patties in between are the soft cheeses, packed in a bun. It was something offered during the Buka Puasa promo of McDoanald’s. Once or twice we would end our … Continue reading

How does McDonald’s in Malaysia Greet you?

McDonald’s is no stranger to anyone. In fact, billions of people grab a bite from this fast food chain. Being here in Kuala Lumpur, gives me the opportunity to see how different it is from back home (RP). We normally have ketchup but here, we are greeted with SOSCILI in sachets. If you are one … Continue reading

Memory Lane

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